We find members get the best results when they use a personal trainer. When you join Fitness 307 you receive a free hour long session with the personal trainer of your choice. Don't pass up this amazing value. Give training a try. Together, by keeping you accountable and your workouts fresh, we'll reach your goals in no time.


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"Many of my female clients worry about bulking up or gaining weight. We wouldn't let that happen; we keep a close eye on your measurements."

- Mila, Personal Trainer

"Some veggies are nutritionally best served raw while others are better cooked. For example, go raw with leafy greens but cook tomatoes and carrots so that they are most beneficial."

- Ty, Personal Trainer

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"Don't give in to your excuses. Just commit to showing up at the gym. And you know what? After ten minutes you'll forget all those excuses and your workout was so worth it."

- Nick, Personal Trainer

"Boxing is a full body workout and awesome cardio! Many of my clients are intimidated before they try it. However, after their first lesson they find it empowering."

- Lisa, Personal Trainer


Dr. Andrew Weil's Food Pyramid


  • We recommend you use your free personal training session(s) to get started, even if you don't plan to continue training.

  • Start by exercising at least 4 days per week for at least 30 minute periods, be sure to include plenty of cardio.

  • If you get busy and can't make it to the gym, just fit in a brisk walk around your neighborhood.

  • Watch your meal portions and make sure you're following a good food pyramid like Dr. Andrew Weil's.

  • Shy away from carbs for dinner and don't eat after 8pm.

  • Be patient and consistent and it will pay off.

Build Muscle

  • We recommend you use your free personal training session(s) to get started, even if you don't plan to continue training.

  • Lift as much as you can while retaining proper form. Increase your weight as you grow.

  • Focus on 8-12 quality reps of squats, dead lifts, pull-ups, shoulder presses, bench presses, and rows.

  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep, that's when your growth hormones are released.

  • Each meal should include two fist sized portions of proteins like lean meats, beans, or eggs.*

  • End your days with a healthy high caloric intake, like nut butters and starchy potatoes.*


Tone UP

  • We recommend you use your free personal training session(s) to get started, even if you don't plan to continue training.

  • Eat clean, bring in more veggies and lean proteins.

  • Toning is simply muscle definition and mostly has to do with your fat levels. Diet controls how tone you are.

  • Try our ABSolute Core and Yoga group fitness classes to up your cardio while strengthening your core.



*Consult your doctor before changing your diet and exercise routine.



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